In Memory

Jeff Clark

Jeff, who was still a resident of Rocky River, passed away November 19, 2010.

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11/03/12 05:22 PM #1    

Ric Winters

My first day in Rocky River I met Jeff at River Lanes. From that time, till I joined the Marines, I must have played a couple hundred games of pool with Jeff. I never could beat him at 9 ball, but I did a bit better playing Straight. I remember him as the loudest guy I'd ever met. After I left River, I never shot pool again, but I thought of Jeff a lot. He sure was a lucky guy when we played pool. I'm looking forward to a few games a little further down the road.

Que te vaya bien.      Ric Winters

11/06/12 11:21 AM #2    

Bruce McKelvey (McKelvey)

When I was back in Ohio this past October...someone was asking me if I had heard from Jeff. The last time I heard from Jeff was a few years back when he called me from out in the middle of nowhere...he was driving a semi...and said he was doing great. Jeff and I had a couple of double dates in his Model A Sedan. Jeff and I ALWAYS found a way to get into trouble! He was real "Different"...guess that's why we got along....Im sorry Jeff, that we didn't get a chance to hang out one more time....Rest in peace my friend.....

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