"And the days went by like paper in the wind. Everything changed, then changed again. It's hard to find a friend. It's hard to find a friend." Tom Petty
Where are you now?
Please help us to re-connect with members of the class that we have lost track of over the years. There will be no better occasion to renew our acquaintance than the 50th Reunion. This list of "missing classmates" is MUCH too long, and we know it can be reduced with everyone's help.
If you know our missing classmates' email address, just enter it in the space below their picture and click "Send Invite". They will be invited to join us and get back in touch .... Thank you!
If you have a mailing address, please send it to us by email using the Contact Us link on the left. Even a state and/or city might help us to locate these lost friends and classmates.
For the complete list of currently missing alumni, see the following names.