Quarantine--Things To Do!
From Debbie (Benn) Mormon
Do your taxes
Take the dog for a walk somewhere you have never been
Stand on your porch and see who walks by and be sure and say hi and wave
If it is warm, prepare your patio/porch for spring
Visit the AARP site and play their games and take the quizzes to earn points
Spend the night in your guest bedroom
Things to do while self-quarantining--from Ed Smith
◦ Separate and organize all of your nuts, bolts, screws and washers
◦ Call some friends or relatives you haven’t spoken to or seen for a long time.
◦ Dream up a creative way to use the freezer-burned meat found deep in your freezer
◦ Sit down and write an episode of “Where in the world are we” so Ellen Aspinwall (Templar) will forgive me for a while longer
◦ Clean out and organize your car’s glove compartment.
◦ Get a self-feeding sheet scanner and digitize all of your old paper records (not your 45’s, 33 1/3’s, or 78’s)
◦ Polish your shoes and then give half of the pairs away since you haven’t worn them in 4 years or more
◦ Dedicate a Goodwill box or plastic bin for things you no longer need and start filling it (like with the shoes mentioned above)
◦ Take out all your sweaters and fold them more neatly. If you haven’t worn any for 3 - 4 years, then add to the Goodwill box
◦ Collect and organize all your device chargers and cables and put some extras into that Goodwill box.
◦ Go through your old collection of car polishes, cleaners, chamois, etc. and throw out the stuff you’ll never use. Instead, just get a monthly pass at your local car wash and use it
◦ Organize your photo collection. Maybe even scan it. Also, go through your digital photo albums (Apple, Google or whatever) and get rid of duplicates and “close to duplicates”
◦ Join Ancestry and discover your family tree Keep digging when you think there is a dead end
◦ Spend one day watching the news on a channel other than your usual and try to understand any different perspectives
◦ Learn to play chess
◦ Change all your passwords