
Debbie and John Zahnow and Debbie (Murray) and Hugh Sloan get together during summers in Michigan.  John recently sent us this photo of them having a great time together----Michigan-2022!


Michigan Mini 2019--  Debbie (Murray) and Hugh Sloan and Debbie and John Zahnow.  Lookin' good!


Houlihan's - Oct 2016

Mike Callahan very graciously hosted a class gathering in July, 2016, at his awesome home on Catawba, along with Cliff Obrock and Al Greenleaf.  Great food and fun!  Thanks, Mike, Cliff and Al!

Mini-Sept 2015 Beachcliff Tavern

Arizona Mini - 2015

Don & Kathy (Tabler), Marsha & Bruce (McKelvey), Ellen & Le Templar


Homecoming/Party Time

We had a great turnout and a great time at Homecoming 2012, followed by the 4th Annual Celebration of Geriatric Silliness.  Thanks to John Dawson and his committee for organizing Homecoming, and to Bruce McKelvey for giving us another excuse to get together on Saturday night!

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Homecoming/Party Time

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Our Arizona residents (and Ellen Aspinwall (Templar), a former Arizona resident) had their annual get-together the last weekend in February 2012, thanks to Ellen's organizing efforts.  A new-comer to the group - and a relatively new addition to our Website - was Larry Heil, who was accompanied by his wife.  Although Kathy Tabler (Blumenfeld-Jones) and her husband weren't at the original gathering, Ellen met up with them later.  Thanks to Ellen Aspinwall (Templar)  for providing these photographs:



June 25, 2011:  What a beautiful day in Huron for those of us who gathered together in Ellen Aspinwall (Templar's) cottage setting on the lakefront. It was great - as always - to see everyone. Enjoy the slideshow (and scroll down far enought to see the captions!)



June 5, 2011:  Once again, Ellen Aspinwall (Templar) was the catalyst for a get-together at Rocky River Park, in the pavilion.  Ten classmates and family, spouse or significant others were there.  Rather than caption every picture, we'll list the participants here and you can pick them out from the photos.  It was a beatiful day by the lake, and reminded many of us why we love our little home town.....

Those in attendance (in alphabetical order by name/maiden name):

Ellen Aspinwall (Templar) and daughter Cinnamon and granddaughter Tenee; Mike Callahan; Larry Gilbert and wife Jean (Tootsie Howell-RRHS '61); Al Greenleaf and wife Sherry; Mike Kelley and wife Shirley and granddaughter Lilley; Cliff Obrock; Phyllis Smith (O'Connell); Randy Smith and wife Chris; Carol Walling (Savarda); Nancy Westerfield (Depew).  FROM OTHER CLASSES:  Kent Vanderlan (RRHS '62) and friend Pat; Gary Carlisle (RRHS '65) and friend Barb (RRHS '?)


Our hardy group of alumni who have settled in Arizona (quite a few of them) work hard at keeping in touch and getting together - setting a good example for the rest of us.  Although Holly Daugherty (Fash) and husband Bob, who are stalwarts of the group, couldn't be there, four of our classmates were in attendance.  (Spouses were not interested or not available!)

The following selection of shots is from Ellen Aspinwall (Templar)'s sons camera, taken at the 2/27/11 get-together at Ellen's son's home in Tucson.  Thanks to all who attended!


Guy Cartwright, RRHS Class of '63

McKelvey, Aspinwall (Templar), Tabler (Blumenfeld-Jones), Carwright

Bruce McKelvey in a (rare) quiet moment!

Great shot, Bruce!

Tabler (Blumenfeld-Jones) and Carwright

Ellen, thanks for organizing this!!  Let's see more pics of YOU next time.


Nancy Westerfield (Depew) and Linda Mannas (Huemmrich) decided that it was a good time for the locals to get together for a pre-Christmas visit, so a bunch of Pirates gathered at Herb's.... Gilbert was a late arrival, but there was a good crowd on time at 6:00 pm.  Thanks to Cliff O'Brock and Nancy Westerfield (Depew) for the photographs!  On hand were Al Greenleaf, Carol Walling (Savarda), Nancy Westerfield (Depew), Randy Smith and wife Chris, Joel Skala, Cliff Obrock, Mike Kelley, Larry Gilbert.

 Shari Piekney (Lane) was in town for a long weekend starting Friday, October 15, and was our most recent inspiration to gather some RRHS '63 classmates together.  A bunch of us gathered at Herb's Tavern ( Rocky River High Annex) the night of the 15th and had some food and drink and a lot of lively conversation.  THANKS, Shari, for being here and getting us together.  Following are some photos taken by Nancy Westerfield (Depew), Al Greenleaf and Larry Gilbert:


Al Greenleaf and Linda Mannas (Huemmrich)

Janet Soros (Ravenstine), John Dawson, Jean Gilbert, Al Greenleaf,
Shari Piekney (Lane), Larry Gilbert

John Dawson

Janet Soros (Ravenstine), Al Greenleaf, Linda Mannas, Shari Piekney (Lane), Larry Gilbert

Janet Soros (Ravenstine), Tootsie Gilbert, Al Greenleaf, Linda Mannas (Huemmrich),
Nancy Westerfield (Depew), Shari Piekney (Lane)

Linda Mannas (Huemmrich)

Nancy Westerfield (Depew)

Jean Tootsie Howell (Gilbert), RRHS '61

Brian McKeown, Shari Piekney (Lane)

Our guest of honor, Shari Piekney (Lane)

Sunday, October 17:  Shari Piekney (Lane) and Shari Greenleaf, at Pier W.


Thanks, Bruce McKelvey for being the reason so many of us decided to get together on September 11.  And a BIG thank you to Nancy Westerfield Depew and John Dawson for sending these photos along for posting on the Website.  Can you identify your classmates 47 years later?







Thanks, Ellen Aspinwall (Templar) for coming all the way from Oregon in August to visit your friends in and around Rocky River!  It was great to see you - 

here are just some of the photos! 


Ellen Aspinwall (Templar)

Ellen, Al and Sherry Greenleaf

Ellen and Mike Kelley

John Dawson and Barb Peate (Sabo)

Mike Kelley and Nancy Westerfield (Depew)

Larry Gilbert

Cliff Obrock, Nancy Westerfield, Linda Peate (Powrie), John Dawson, Barb Peate (Sabo), Ellen Aspinwall (Templar), Al Greenleaf, Sherry Greenleaf

Cliff Obrock and Al Greenleaf

Nancy Westerfield and Carol Walling had a chance to visit with

Phyllis Smith (O'Connell) and Tim O'Connell recently -


Carol, Nancy, Tim and Phyllis

Carol and Tim

Nancy and Phyllis